Products   Attenuators By Types   Cross-Talk Attenuators  Cross Talk with wall to ceiling penetration
Cross Talk with wall to ceiling penetration – CTS2-300
Cross Talk with wall to ceiling penetration
Detailed Information - CTS2-300
300 300  180025 10.1736
Insertion Loss - CTS2-300

The Q-Tech range of Cross-Talk attenuators has been designed to provide a low resistance to air flow whilst maintaining a high degree of acoustic attenuation.

The CT series should be considered wherever a relief air passage is required to penetrate a building’s acoustic barrier.

Four styles are available in both standard and high performance configurations:-

  • CTS - for simple wall penetration above ceiling
  • CTL - wall to ceiling penetration
  • CTU - ceiling to ceiling penetration
  • CTZ - installation within the wall

Installation - General

Special care should be taken when installing CT Series Cross-Talk units to ensure maximum performance.

Consideration must be given to the sound rating of the wall or ceiling being penetrated.

It is essential that a tight airseal is achieved between the cross-talk unit and the wall/ceiling penetration.

When high performance units are used additional mass lagging of the unit casing may be required to prevent flanking transmission. This can usually be provided by building-in the cross-talk unit during the building construction phase.


The Q-Tech CT Series acoustic performance is quoted as airborne sound transmission loss as defined in AS1191:1985.

Performance data is based on Australian sourced and manufactured products.

Selection Procedure

  1. Select the Cross-Talk attenuator type that is required ie. CTS, CTU etc.
  2. Select high or standard performance attenuation as required.
  3. When the relief air quantity is known read from Table 1. the width and height combination for your needs.
  4. Determine final product code for ordering.